Hikoki (formerly known as Hitachi) is an established and reputable power tool manufacturer known for innovation, quality and reliability. Backed by an excellent after-sales service, Hikoki power tools are produced in five manufacturing plants worldwide. The Japanese manufacturers go to great lengths to ensure their selection of power tools is precise, durable and affordable for both DIYers and the trade. Tool Britannia stocks a wide range of Hikoki power tools for various applications. Browse from high-quality mitre saws to get the job done, circular saws to provide precision cuts and smooth finishes, SDS hammer drills and more! If you're looking for an advanced brand, Hikoki might be the one for you. Every time you purchase a Hikoki power tool, you can be assured that you have made an excellent choice and that the tool has been specifically designed and developed to provide long-lasting performance and peace of mind. Explore the range of Hikoki tools online with one of the UK's leading suppliers.